Let's start with the background first. I was movie starved, had heard great reviews from creatures overseas (read Vikram) and I had taken great pains to get a moderately priced ticket from Bangalore's movie goers' funds' embezzlement organization (the multiplex mafia). So the expectations were high..
And then the fall. Mr. Stark: the eccentric too cool guy, a mocking session with a senator, a drunk Iron man, the 'why is Col. Rhodes Iron Man's best friend??': and you lose count of the disappointing moments.

None of the bad guys manage to pose a credible threat. The Russian Ivan may be forgiven on some grounds at least: with a superb performance and some great effects with the electrified horse-whip.
The other bad guy: Mr. Hammer the competitor behaves way too silly to be taken seriously at any point of time. His main job is to be thrashed by everyone, be it some gorgeous reporter, the leading ladies and of course by Downey Jr. In spite of all his antics, he fails to make you smile with stupid comics and an irritating staccato.
Now the main problem: Downey Jr. I found him to be too jumpy to play the sober Holmes in his previous outing but the movie was a big hit anyway. Now that he’s been asked specifically to play the eccentric billionaire, he's gone overboard. Act way too cool, too fast, too erratic: It's a bit too much!

To summarize it, you go expecting an eccentric suave guy with a peculiar sense of humor of the likes of Bruce Wayne of Batman/Dark Knight. What you get here is a lot of jumpy creatures similar to the Transformers series..
Still I'll have to ask you to go and see the movie. It is a visual treat. The fight sequences: the bad guy cutting race cars, Rolls Ryce n all and of course: 'Highway to Hell' concluding the film. Worth a watch.